Thursday, March 3, 2011

Care Packages

So basically if I like you I feed you if I don't well you can figure it out... Now I know this may be hard to believe but sometimes I have a hard time saying things.  If you're in my life I have most likely fed you, I probably have a nick name for you, and I probably even have a song for you as well.  Okay enough of that, I'm killing my sarcastic image here.  Basically the best way I know how to show someone I care is to bake for them, and that usually translates into sending them a care package.  Often I'll send a care package for someone's birthday or Christmas.  Sometimes there's a deeper meaning such as I'm sorry... or I was thinking about you.  I find they make people happy, and that makes me so happy :)
Now you can't just send the goods in a ziploc, packaging is a big part of this too.  I like to find packages that are unique and remind me of the person I'm sending these fabulous treats to.  My favorite find was a wine gift box that read Hey Y'all!  For the past month I have been on a complete cookie kick so here are some photos of my recent care packages.  What are you waiting for? Go bake someone cookies :)


  1. Anonymous3/03/2011

    Too cute!!! That is nice you send goodies! So many people forget how special it is to get stuff in the mail vs. internet!!

  2. I feel the same way - if I love you I bake for you! ♥- Katrina

  3. Anonymous3/03/2011

    I love care packages too. In this age of email and texting and instant gratification, people forget how nice it is to receive a package in the mail!

  4. Care packages are the best to give and receive! Yours are so beautiful! I am sure the recipients must have been delighted to get them!

  5. A - Can we be friends?
    B - While I was in college my mom organized a group of moms from my graduating class to get together four times a year to send their kids care packages. It was amazing how getting something in the mail could make my day. What a wonderful way to show people you care about them.

  6. Thanks girls! I definitely agree that with all the emailing people forget how nice it is to actually get something in the mail!

    @Mikaela lol and yes we can be friends!

  7. Here's an example of my last "cookie care package"
    I baked 3 kinds of biscotti to send for a friend in another state, wasn't even a holiday...just sent it as a nice gesture. Really worked hard getting it neatly stacked into the cookie box, then bubble wrap it to pack into a box, paid $30. to overnight it, but since my friend was away for the weekend, someone else picked it was turned into the condo friend never received it...sigh, could not investigate, because it was not marked to "sign" for it, so someone else got to enjoy them! I'm more cautious now, after that.

    I sure would love to get some nice homemade goodies in a pretty box, such as yours!

  8. Elisabeth that's awful! I can't believe someone else got the cookies and kept them!!

  9. Very thoughtful of you. Keep caring...!!!

  10. i'd love to receive some cookies or other sweet treats delivered in one of your packages. they are adorable.

  11. so cute! The best part of baking is bringing smiles to people's faces when they've tried something you've made! yay for care packages!
