Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mini Easter Egg Cakes

As a child my favorite part of Easter was coloring Easter eggs.  I would get so excited when my mom would buy me the egg coloring kit at the supermarket.  The year they came out with the sparkle kit I didn't even know what to do with myself!  I guess things haven't changed much over the years ;)  On a recent trip to Home Goods I found this adorable miniature egg cake pan.  Due to a complete lack of restraint when it comes to anything kitchen related and my love for miniature desserts, I had to buy it.
What a great find!  The only thing that could possibly be better than coloring eggs would be coloring egg cakes.  Where was this when I was a kid?!
There are so many possibilities when it comes to these miniature cakes.  You could make cute little egg shaped muffins for an Easter brunch, or tea cakes for a luncheon.  When it comes to decorating you could frost them with different colors of buttercream, glaze them, or cover them with fondant.  I whipped up my favorite chocolate cake and covered the eggs with fondant.  I love all the pastel colors associated with Spring and Easter so I used lavender, mint green, and rose pink food coloring to color my fondant.  I cut out different sized stripes, polka dots, and flowers to decorate them.  Working with fondant can be a little tedious, but I find the end result is totally worth the effort.  I hope you enjoy my grown up version of coloring Easter eggs!

My tips for working with fondant:

  • Always wrap fondant you are not using in plastic wrap.  It dries out very quickly.
  • One of my most useful tools is a small pizza wheel that I use for trimming excess fondant around cakes.
  • Powdered sugar prevents fondant from sticking to counters/rolling pin when you're rolling it out.
  • I always keep a pastry brush on hand for getting rid of excess powdered sugar once the cake is covered.
  • A fondant smoother is key to achieving a clean, smooth finish.
  • I use a ruler and pizza wheel to cut all my stripes.
  • I use the small end of a pastry tip to cut out polka dots.
  • Have patience!


  1. Anonymous4/16/2011

    This is so so so cute! I love it :)

  2. Wow...that is amazing. So much talent... lucky you! :)

  3. Wow! These are just lovely. I would be thrilled to get one of these instead of the usual chocolate eggs. Wow!

  4. Oh, these are so cute. Very beautiful work! Thanks for sharing.

  5. These yummy Easter eggs are gorgeous. This is something that I regret not are so talented with the exquisite decorating!
    BTW-The awards that I posted are for paying it forward.
    The list that I had from back in Jan. was way too long, so I'm repeating it again. I'm not making another list, but please grab the awards. I would like to pay it forward to you. You deserve it well!

  6. Anonymous4/16/2011

    Aww they are so cute! Pretty too

  7. Beautiful job on these. Perfect for Easter.

  8. Congratulations on your well deserved award!

  9. Ohmigoshthesearesocuto! I would be mortified to ruin them by taking a massive bite. Maybe if you twisted my arm. Great grown-up way to decorate eggs for Easter. Well done!

  10. Very cute and very professional. I can appreciate the work that goes into covering anything with fondant. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  11. Your eggs are so pretty! I have that cake pan and thought about getting it out.....but since I have "retired" from cake decorating I think I will just admire yours cakes!

  12. These little cakes are darling! I love the colors. :)

  13. Your little egg cakes are so beautiful, and I love the colors! Perfect for Spring!

  14. Wow!!! What fabulous mini-cakes...and you decorated them perfectly~

  15. what an absolutely adorable idea! I would love to find these on an easter hunt : j

  16. These are so cute.

  17. Wow! These are so cute! What a great idea!

  18. To cute! Love it! Great job!

  19. These look so beautiful! Love how you made them! Nicely done!!!

  20. I don't blame you for being tempted to buy that tin, I love that section in the cook shop, fires the imagination :-)

  21. very pretty! i've never worked with fondant before and your pretty cakes might be the push i need to try it. great job!

  22. I love that you covered your mini cakes in fondant. They are so pretty! Helpful tips too! Thanks!

  23. I love these cute and precious eggs. I am sure that kids (and not only them) will enjoy their Easter dessert. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day.

  24. Anonymous4/18/2011

    Adorable litttle cakes. I'm your newest follower.

  25. You are so amazingly creative! I would have never thought to make little egg cakes for Easter. Such a great idea!

  26. This is my first visit to your blog, and my, oh my, what gorgeous creations!

  27. I used to work in a bakery that made something very close to this. Very cute! And I love the ducky dish!

  28. Those are so cute.

  29. Anonymous4/20/2011

    This is gorgeous and worth the hard work you have put into it. I love the colors you use. Thanks for sharing.

  30. These are so amazingly adorable!

  31. very cute ...highly creative !!! love it :D happy stop by my blog :)
